FP Global Research, Inc.  
   About Us      
  Company  FP Global Research, Inc.
Top Page  Headquarters 113 Barksdale Professional Center,
Our Commitment    Newark, DE 19711, U.S.A.
Japan Office  1-5-2-21 Osone, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama  
Our Services  Telephone  045-549-4090  
Consultation Fee  URL  http://fpglobal.com  
E-mail  info@fpglobal.com  
About Us    
Contact Us     
  Eisaku "Zack" Sato, President
    Zack is a CFP (R) certificant and a member of the Japan Association of
    Financial Planners that is the counterpart of the Certified Financial Planner
    Board of Standards, Inc. in the U.S.A.
    Prior to dedicating his time as a financial planner, he was in charge of
    various aspects of business for a major Japanese bank including lending,
    credit analysis, bond trading, issuing foreign currency debentures, portfolio
    management, etc. He has lived in Los Angeles, New York and London and
    has managed 8 investment companies in the U.S.A., England, Australia and
    Japan. He was a visiting professor of a graduate school of accountancy
as well.
    He holds Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the University of
    Tokyo. Currently he is a member of the Japan Society for International
Development and a member of the Momonga Society.
  Copyright 2008 FP Global Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved.